美耐板的介紹以及分類Introduction and classification of Meinai board 美耐板又稱為裝潢耐火板,發(fā)展至今已有將近100年歷史,由進口裝飾紙、進口牛皮紙經過含浸、烘干、高溫高壓等加工步驟制作而成。具有耐火、防潮、不怕高溫的特性。Meinai board, also known as decorative refractory board, has a history of nearly 100...
美耐板的介紹以及分類Introduction and classification of Meinai board 美耐板又稱為裝潢耐火板,發(fā)展至今已有將近100年歷史,由進口裝飾紙、進口牛皮紙經過含浸、烘干、高溫高壓等加工步驟制作而成。...2024-05-09 查看詳情 -
防火板的特點 Characteristics of Fireproof Board 1、保溫隔熱:其保溫、隔熱性是玻璃的六倍、粘土的三倍、普通混凝土的十倍; 1. Thermal insulation: Its insulation and thermal insulation properties are six times that of glass, three times that of clay, and ten time...
防火板的特點 Characteristics of Fireproof Board 1、保溫隔熱:其保溫、隔熱性是玻璃的六倍、粘土的三倍、普通混凝土的十倍; 1. Thermal insulation: Its insulation a...2024-05-07 查看詳情 -
美耐板是以含浸過的進口裝飾紙與牛皮紙層層排疊,再經高溫高壓壓制而成。具有耐高溫高壓、耐刮、防火等特性,是相當耐用的表面裝飾材料。Meinai board is made by layering soaked imported decorative paper and kraft paper, and then pressing them under high temperature and pressure. It has characte...
美耐板是以含浸過的進口裝飾紙與牛皮紙層層排疊,再經高溫高壓壓制而成。具有耐高溫高壓、耐刮、防火等特性,是相當耐用的表面裝飾材料。Meinai board is made by layering soaked imported decorativ...2024-04-18 查看詳情